Private Consultations

Contact me for a FREE 15-minute sleep evaluation for your child!

If you’re ready for a clear, easy-to-follow plan that will teach your child the skills necessary to happily sleep through the night (and take long, restful naps during the day), then here’s everything you need to know about setting up a private consultation with me.

Crying baby do not want to sleep

First, let me tell you exactly what’s included:

  • A preliminary evaluation. This is a comprehensive questionnaire about your child’s sleep habits and routines that you’ll fill out prior to our meeting. (Having this information in advance helps us make the most of our time together.)
  • A private, 90 minute consultation where we’ll discuss strategies, troubleshoot possible problems, and learn how to address bedtime, naptime, nightwakings, or any other specific issues you might be dealing with.
  • A detailed, fully customized sleep plan that I will prepare for you after the conclusion of our meeting.
  • Four follow-up telephone calls during the first week following the consultation. These follow-up calls typically last about 15 minutes, and we’ll use this time to deal with any setbacks you might be having or answer any general questions.
  • One week of unlimited e-mail support. After your four follow-up telephone calls have been used, you still have an additional week of unlimited e-mail support. I’ll give you my private e-mail address, so that you can send me any questions that come up, and I’ll respond to your e-mails within one business day.
Newborns (0-4 months)
In person consultation

Newborn Information Session

  • A private session that focuses on healthy sleep habits, routines, the use of props and other sleep issues that may arise.
  • Information on how to maintain healthy sleep habits through daylight savings, holidays and travel

Total Investment $75

Newborn Session

  • A 60-90 minute consultation
  • A detailed sleep plan customized to your baby’s needs. This will be provided at the end of your session
  • Follow up support until your baby is 4 months old. This includes 1 phone call a week and support over What’s App during business hours.

Total Investment $450

Baby Sleep Package

(4-18 months)

  • A 60-90 minute consultation
  • A detailed sleep plan customized to your baby’s needs. This will be provided at the end of your consultation
  • 4 follow-up phone calls*
  • 2 weeks of support over What’s App
  • A sleep guide to help you get back on track after an illness, vacation, daylight savings time.

Total Investment $350

* Add an additional 2 calls for $50

Toddler Sleep Package

(19 months and up)

  • A 60-90 minute consultation
  • A detailed sleep plan customized to your baby’s needs. This will be provided at the end of your consultation
  • 4 follow-up phone calls*
  • 3 weeks of support over What’s App
  • A sleep guide to help you get back on track after an illness, vacation, daylight savings time.

Total Investment $400

* Add an additional 2 calls for $50

If you have any questions about the packages, please don’t hesitate to ask! I can be reached by email at

Kim Dossenbach
Certified Sleep Sense™ Consultant